A series of thirteen paintings on framed canvases
Acrylic/ Pao-lin 100x100cm
The principe was to create a new photo-roman based on the Italian Killing/Kriminal comics of the late sixties and include the a friend in the story who is here of course, the victim.
This work draws its source from Italian comics of the sixties (Kriminal, Lucifera, Killing, Diabolik) and the popular painting of the painters/ posters of the cinemas of the sixties.
This project was thought from the start as a series, a kind of fictional storyboard of a woman, pathetically harassed by a man masked. This character was very famous in Italy during the sixties, those little magazines were sold everywhere, massive production in the country, also exported in foreign countries as Belgium, France, Germany with translated versions and different covers and references.
The paintings could be visible in exhibitions in an imposing way, but could be read horizontally but also have meaning exposed in an individual way.
I made a mix of audio movie parts, soundtracks of movies like "Danger Diabolik" of Mario Bava or some Jesse Franco's movies and it was broadcasted in loop during the exhibitions days to reinforce the immersion.