JULY 2025:
- Making of "The Cromlech Dance", Scotland

Here a shot of the Team with the Tsam Dancers, Mongolia during the making of "The Essor/ L'Envol"
22 MAY 2024:
Screening of "Visions Partielles De L'Enfer IV" @ Cinema Aventure
screening before "A Way To Die" - Peter Christopherson & John Balance.

APRIL 2024:
Release of The Video "Adversaries" - Wolvennest
MARSH 2024:
Becoming a tattooist.... at Holy Sunshine shop... under the name of "VULTURA INKS" New website is available + instagram

Release of Wolvennest album "The Dark Path To The Light" +
Visual work collaboration with MOTHMEISTER

16 AUGUST 2023:
Release of The Video "The Dark Path To The Light"
JULY 2023:
- Working on Visuals for Wolvennest next album/ video
"The Dark Path To The Light'- together with Mothmeister
APRIL 2023:
- Official release of THE RADIANT LIGHT (Van Records/De): "How To Leave This World In Peace"
Chorus for the song "How To Leave This World In Peace" together with Corvus.
- Official release of the Music video for MIRROR QUEEN (Tee Pee Records/Usa): "A Rider On The Rain",
- Screening of: "Visions Partielles De L'Enfer IV" diffusé pour l'expo de départ de mon ancien professeur et collègue: Denis Derudder, La Cambre

JULY 2022:
- Making of the Music video for MIRROR QUEEN (Tee Pee Records/Usa): "A Rider On The Rain",
--> filming will take place in Bordeaux (FR), Romania, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium

- "Visions Partielles De L'Enfer, Part IV" : Official selection in KVIFF for 3 screenings / Worldwide Premieres
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival :
IMAGINA selection (short experimental), Czech Republic

JUNE 2022/
- Official Film Release of "Visions Partielles De L'Enfer IV"

APRIL 2022/
- The Making of "Visions Partielles De L'Enfer V", Belgium
- Official Music Video release of "Destruction" by Susanna, Norway

- Official Film Release of "Acid Babylon 2" in which I am collaborating (vocals, acting)
- The Official End of BLACK MASS RISING Label (2011-2022)
- OCTOBER : Official Music Video Release of HerFault - "Dulle Griet"